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Biden promises U.S., IMF aid for Ukraine if reforms continue

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    148 переглядів

    United States Vice President Joseph Biden has promised aid from the U.S. and international partners if Ukraine conducts its reforms efficiently.

    At a press conference held jointly with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Friday Biden said that he and Poroshenko discussed the situation in Ukraine and that the president and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk worked a lot to create a program of reforms with the International Monetary Fund. Biden said that he and the Ukrainian president met with the IMF with regard to Ukraine. Finally, he reassured Ukraine that if it continues this course, international partners, starting from the U.S., will help. The U.S. closely cooperates with international institutions to ensure Ukraine has financial resources to provide the support this country needs, the vice president added. Washington is ready to help Ukraine find opportunities for improving its business climate in order to increase investment, Biden also said. All this will depend on whether the reforms that were started are implemented, he said. The vice president also pledged U.S. help in other spheres of Ukrainian life. Ukraine will not be alone and the U.S. will be its partner and friend, Biden said.

    The United States Vice President Joe Biden has said that the new Ukrainian government must be formed over the next few days.

    At a press conference held jointly with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Friday he told Ukrainians to create a new government over the next few days, not weeks. According to Biden, Ukraine needs to conduct a number of necessary reforms to improve its economic situation. There is a great deal of work to be done in Kyiv, starting from the creation of a new government, he said. The U.S. is expecting Ukraine to implement key reforms and the U.S. government will support Kyiv on this path, he said. It is necessary to create stronger democratic institutions, an accountable government, to conduct European integration, to develop the economy and to eradicate corruption that exists in Ukraine and has been swallowing Ukraine's (resources) for a long time now, Biden said.

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