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Donetsk - Television journalist Graham Phillips, a UK citizen, has been wounded in Donbas

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    130 переглядів

    British journalist Graham Phillips, who has been recently working with Russia's Zvezda TV channel, was shot near the Ukrainian village of Peski in the Donbas region, a friend of the journalist told RIA Novosti Monday.

    "A mine shard hit him… The journalist was hospitalized, he can walk and talk," his friend said, adding that local militia brought Phillips to the hospital.

    Intense fighting is underway between militia and Ukraine's forces for control of Peski village in the country's east. Phillips was filming the clashes from militia's side when his unit came under mortar fire by the Ukrainian forces. The militiamen took Phillips to a military hospital in Donetsk.

    The journalist was scheduled to go back to the United Kingdom on Tuesday.

    Phillips has been recently working for Russia’s Zvezda TV channel, run by the Defense Ministry. He previously worked as a freelance journalist for RT and has been held by Ukraine’s troops several times.

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