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Putin afraid of 'color revolutions' in Russia

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    116 переглядів

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has described "color revolutions" in some countries as a lesson and warning for Russia and urged to counteract their appearance in Russia by all means.

    He said this on Thursday at an enlarged meeting of the Russian Security Council on combating extremism, a Ukrinform correspondent in Russia.

    "In the present-day world, extremism is being used very often as a tool of geopolitics and redrawing spheres of influence. We can see the tragic consequences the wave of so-called 'color revolutions' has led to and what upheavals were and are being experienced by the countries that have gone through irresponsible experiments of hidden, and at times gross, or 'crashing' as we say here, outside meddling in their life. For us it is a lesson and warning, and we must do necessary to prevent something similar from ever happening in Russia," Putin said.

    He urged members of the Russian Security Council to "deeply and persistently" prevent any signs of extremism. At the same time, Putin added that everybody, starting with government agencies and ending with the public, should deal with this issue.

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