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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

The situation with Ukrainian carriers that had certain difficulties in crossing the Turkish border over the last few days has been resolved!

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    191 переглядів

    I'd like to extend a personal "thank you" to the Ambassador of Turkey to Ukraine who, despite the weekend, quickly provided help.
    Next week, we will hold additional consultations with the Turkish side in order to avoid similar situations in the future.

    At the same time, this problem is partially a systemic one. There is a large number of international carrier permits that change hands often within a narrow circle and that become a source of corruption instead of being used properly by businesses.
    There have been multiple situations where Ukrainian carriers complained about the lack of the ability to transport cargo to another country, while our neighbors point out that "de facto", Ukrainian carriers have a large number of unused permits.
    Starting tomorrow, Yuriy Lavrenyuk, Egor Stefanovich and Mikhaylo Nonyak will begin transferring 100% of documentation of this type into an electronic regime - an online exchange of data with the customs of Ukraine and our partner countries that reflect the real relations on the Ukrainian border, and that will severely punish those unscrupulous individuals who attempt to create artificial deficits.

    Volodymyr Omelyan

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