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Verkhovna Rada approved a draft law that broadened the powers of the National Security and Defense Council

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    89 переглядів

    The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, on Thursday approved a draft law that broadened the powers of the National Security and Defense Council, two days after MPs failed to pass similar legislation on the council.

    The decision was supported by 253 MPs out of 372 registered in the session hall, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

    A number of amendments to the bill were submitted before the voting. In particular, they concerned wording that was to bring the powers of the NSDC into line with the Constitution and other Ukrainian laws.

    As UNIAN reported earlier, on December 23 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine failed to support a presidential bill "On Amendments to the Law "On the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine "on the improvement of coordination and control of the National Security and Defense."

    The corresponding bill was supported by 223 MPs out of 368 registered in the session hall, with 226 votes needed for the vote to pass. The representatives of the Samopomich party, the Radical party and the Opposition Bloc did not vote.

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