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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

News for Ukraine, Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Hust, Beregove

    02 June 2024 Sunday

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko could meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Europe within the next three weeks.

    He said this at a press conference while presenting Strategy 2020 in Kyiv on Thursday, Ukrinform's correspondent reported.


    Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko detained in Russia is to undergo a psychiatric examination as part of a criminal inquiry into the killing of Russian journalists, Russian Investigative Committee spokesman told Interfax agency.


    Ukraine hopes that Russia will fulfill the terms of the agreement on a free trade area (FTA) within the CIS, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevhen Perebyinis has said.


    Finance Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Shlapak has forecasted that the hryvnia exchange rate will start stabilizing this week, and expects that the range will be UAH 13-13.50/$1.


    According to the National Security and Defence, it is proved by the fact that for the last day our guards on defense line didn't fix any unmanned reconnaissance apparatus.


    The National Bank of Ukraine limited the sale of the foreign currency to one person by the amount of UAH 3,000 per day.

    This is said in a resolution of September 22, 2014, No. 591, the NBU page informs on Facebook.


    A three-day delay in the arrival of reinforcements and the escape of some military units have led to the tragedy near Ilovaisk where a number of Ukrainian army units were surrounded and sustained significant losses when leaving the encirclement.


    The fulfillment of the conditions of the Minsk memorandum on the withdrawal of troops and the creation of a buffer zone is due to begin on Saturday, September 20.

    The deputy head of the information and analytical center of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Volodymyr Poliovy, said at a briefing on Saturday.


    Almost 30 percent of military of the Armed Forces after the injury has returned to the counterterrorism operation area, director of the Military Medical Department of the Defence Ministry of Ukraine, colonel of the medical service Vitaliy Andronati told a press conference, Ukrinform reports.


    Eighty long-term and 600 short-term observers of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will be deployed in Ukraine to monitor the progress of the early parliamentary election.


    President Petro Proshenko called the United States to give Ukraine special, non-allied, partner status in his address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress.


    President Petro Poroshenko called the United States to give Ukraine special, non-allied, partner status in his address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

    Ukraine’s President is on working visit to Washington on Thursday. It is Petro Poroshenko's first visit to the U.S. since being elected.


    More than 60% of Ukrainians fully or partially trust Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko following the first hundred days of his activity as head of state, according to a survey conducted by the Socis Center for Social and Marketing Research from September 5 to September 10, 2014.


    The European Commission has proposed holding energy consultations on gas issues involving the Ukrainian, EU, and Russian sides on September 27, Ukrainian Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yuriy Prodan has said.


    Political forces and their leaders were in a hurry. Day and night, they were holding backstage negotiations on party lists and fought over schemes of electoral campaigns. September 14 was the last day for nomination of candidates. They have determined their stances.


    The Cabinet of Ministers created a State Agency for the renewal of Donbas.

    This is said in a relevant resolution of the government “On optimization of a system of central executive power bodies” No. 442 of September 10.

    However, neither authorities nor functions are written down in the document.


    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to liquidate the State Agency of Ecological Investment and the State Agency for Investment and National Project Management.


    The nomination for the transit of Russian gas via Ukraine and Slovakia by the Uzhgorod corridor fell 17 percent to 49.7.


    "We have about 600 prisoners," - said the so-called "prime minister of the "DNR" Alexander Zaharchenko.


    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that no amendments will be introduced to the text of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.


    He said within the frames of the 11th Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy YES, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.


    Today, when the world commemorates the victims of terrible terrorist attacks in New York in 2011, Ukraine suffers from a new wave of terrorism, in the fight against which all of the world's democracies should unite, President Petro Poroshenko said at a ceremony to present credentials to the ambassadors of several countries on Thursday, the presi


    Russian and terrorist forces are actively regrouping near three populated localities in Luhansk region, Information Resistance group leader Dmytro Tymchuk has reported on Facebook.


    The wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 - downed over Ukraine in July - was "consistent with the damage that would be expected from a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside", crash investigators said today.


    Ukrainian President and Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Petro Poroshenko has ordered the chief of the General Staff to cease fire from 18.00 on September 5, the presidential press service has reported.


    Not taking into account loss of life during the withdrawal from the encirclement near Ilovaisk, the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine has already claimed the lives of 837 Ukrainian servicemen and inflicted wounds on over 3,000, Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) information and analytical centre spokesman Andriy Lys


    This was disclosed by Interagency Coordination Staff of the State Service of emergencies.


    Among them - the settlement Novotroitskoe located on Highway H20, which connects Donetsk and Mariupol. In addition, ATO forces were forced to leave in Kurakhovo Maryinsky district of Donetsk region. "Our guys have retreated from Kurakhovo. It hosted the separatists, "- said one of the soldiers of the battalion" Donbass ".


    This was announced by General colonel, head of exchanging prisoners Vladimir Ruban on the TV channel "Ukraine".

