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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Congratulations to our readers on the holiday - Russian Language Day!

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    297 переглядів
    Monument to A.S. Pushkin in Uzhgorod

    Congratulations to our readers on the holiday - Russian Language Day!

    The decision to hold the Day of Russian Language as one of the official languages ​​of the UN was first made at a meeting of the Department of Public Information of the UN Secretariat on February 20, 2010, on the eve of International Mother Language Day, as part of the program for the development of multilingualism and the preservation of cultural diversity.

    One of the goals of this program is to maintain the equality of all six official languages ​​of the UN (English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French), as well as to increase awareness of the history and culture of each of the languages.

    Russian is one of the largest languages ​​in the world. In terms of the number of speakers, the Russian language ranks sixth in the world (after English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic); in terms of prevalence - eighth place (after Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic, Hindi, Bengali and Portuguese).

    At present, 146 million citizens of the Russian Federation speak Russian and another 127 million - abroad. 36.8 million people speak Russian in Ukraine, 13.5 million in Kazakhstan, 11.8 million in Uzbekistan, 9.3 million in Belarus, 5.5 million in Poland, and 5.4 in Germany million, in Azerbaijan - 4.9 million, in the USA - 3.5 million, in Kyrgyzstan - 2.7 million, in Tajikistan - 2.5 million, in Georgia - 2.4 million, in Armenia - 2.1 million, in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic - 2 million each, in Estonia - 1.95 million, in Latvia - 1.8 million, in Moldova - 1.7 million, in Serbia - 1.4 million, in Slovakia and Lithuania - 1.3 each million, in Mongolia - 1.2 million, in Israel - 1 million, in Turkmenistan - 0.9 million, in China - 0.7 million, in Transnistria - 0.5 million, in Abkhazia - 0.45 million. In addition, in Canada, Australia and New Zealand - 4.1 million, in Asia - 2.7 million, in the Middle East and North Africa - 1.3 million, in Latin America - 0.2 million, in sub-Africa from Sahara - 0.1 million.

    For use on the Internet, Russian is in second place. It is one of the most translated languages ​​in the world. Among the languages ​​into which most books are translated, Russian is in seventh place. Among the languages ​​most often translated, Russian is in fourth place.
    The stubborn Soros nationalists, Vyatrovichs, Shotguns and Sprechenfuhrers still have a lot of hopeless work! And time is gone! Burns!

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    BryanePoibe's picture


    Thanks a lot! Loads of advice!

    BryanePoibe's picture


    Thanks, Great stuff.