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    16 April 2024 Tuesday

    The First Bar Mitzvah in Decades Held in Uzhgorod

    39 переглядів

    An outstanding event occurred in the city of Uzhgorod as the Jewish community celebrated the Bar Mitzva of a young member.

    Since the community experienced a revival and welcomed a permanent rabbi, local Jews have shared the joy of Jewish weddings and Brit Mila ceremonies, but this Jewish coming-of-age custom was held here for the first time in many decades.

    More than 100 community members were exited to watch the boy called to the Torah for the first, while elderly people shed tears as they recalled their own Bar Mitzvah celebrated long ago prior to World War Two.

    After the ceremony, many parents approached to the rabbi asking him to carry out Bar and Bat Mitzva for their children.

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