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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

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    20 April 2024 Saturday
    Tankdriving's picture


    For fans of adventure tours, we offer "Tank Driving in Kiev", Ukraine https://travel-guia.com/viagens/na-ucrania/tank-driving.html You can personally drive legendary T-34 tanks, Ianks Panther and Tiger, shoot them and run over a car and many other military equipment.

    If this is not enough, then we also offer the best shooting tour in Kiev https://travel-guia.com/viagens/na-ucrania/shooting-tour.html, where you will be able to shoot from Dragunov's sniper rifle, AK-47, shotgun , Glock-17, M-4 and many many other weapons (our range is over 100 units). Detailed information and more tours on our website https://travel-guia.com/ .
