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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

999 crews to help colleagues in Ukraine

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    47 переглядів

    FIREFIGHTERS in Ukraine are to receive fire kit and equipment from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.Protective clothing such as tunics, trousers, boots, helmets, tools and 270 smoke alarms will be sent to Ukraine this month courtesy of Take Hope (Yorkshire) – a charity making a big difference to the lives of people in the former Yugoslavian states, in Romania and now in Transcarpathia, Ukraine.

    Aidan Williams, Retained Liaison Manager for West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, will be travelling to Vinogradiv in Ukraine to meet the convoy and see where the equipment and smoke alarms will be used.

    He will visit the Perechrysta and Rat Orphanages, St Theresa Disabled Children’s Therapy Centre and Caritas Soup Kitchen and Food Distribution Centre there.

    Aidan will also visit local fire stations and take part in a formal presentation of the fire equipment provided by WYFRS and the smoke alarms given by Coventry-based fire equipment company FireAngel Ltd.

    “The equipment we are donating has passed its ‘use-by’ date as far as West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue is concerned, so would normally be scrapped,’’ he said. “It is, however, still useable and this form of recycling costs the brigade nothing and yet enhances the capacity of another fire and rescue service.

    “I am very much looking forward to meeting the firefighters in the Ukraine and seeing how the kit and equipment will be used.”

    Andrew McVeigh, Director of Take Hope (Yorkshire), said: “It is an honour for us to have a representative from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service on our next mercy mission and it will foster important relations between both fire brigades as well as delivering much needed aid to a forgotten region of Europe which has suffered natural, social and economic disasters in recent years.”

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