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Cloudy Weather With Clearings In Kyiv On Friday

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    72 переглядів

    On March 12, Kyiv will have cloudy weather with clearings, light snow at night, light wet snow in the daytime, ice covering on the roads, southeastern wind changing into western of 5-10 m/s, and temperatures standing at -4...-6 C at night, and at -1...+1 C in the daytime.

    In western Ukraine, cloudy weather, snow, wet snow, heavy snow in places in Transcarpathia, ice covering in places, accumulation of wet snow in places, ice covering on the roads, western wind of 5-10 m/s, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s in Carpathians are expected. Temperature will stand at -3...-8 C at night, and at -2...+3 C in the daytime.

    In the Carpathians, precipitations, heavy precipitations in places are expected. Temperature will be of -3...-8 C at night, and at -2...+3 C in the daytime.

    In Morshyn, snow and wet snow are expected. Temperature will stand at -6...-8 C at night, and at -1...-3 C in the daytime.

    In Truskavets, snow and wet snow are expected. Temperature will stand at -5...-7 C at night, and at 0...-2 C in the daytime.

    In Svaliava, precipitations, heavy precipitations in places are expected. Temperature will stand at -2...-4 C at night, and at 0...+2 C in the daytime.

    In northern Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearings, light snow, wet snow in the daytime, ice covering on the roads, and southeastern wind changing into western of 5-10 m/s are expected. Temperature will stand at -3...-8 C at night, reaching -11 C in Chernihiv and Sumy regions, and at -2...+3 C in the daytime.

    In central part of Ukraine, cloudy weather, wet snow, ice covering in places, ice covering on the roads, accumulation of wet snow in places, and southeastern wind of 5-10 m/s are expected. Temperature will stand at -3...-9 C at night, and at -2...+3 C in the daytime.

    In eastern Ukraine, cloudy weather, snow, wet snow, ice covering in places, ice covering on the roads, accumulation of wet snow in places, and southeastern wind changing into western of 5-10 m/s with gusts of 15-20 m/s in places are expected. Temperature will stand at -3...-8 C at night, and at -2...+3 C in the daytime.

    In southern Ukraine, cloudy weather, wet snow at night and in the daytime, ice covering in places, ice covering on the roads, accumulation of wet snow, and southeastern wind changing into western of 5-10 m/s with gusts of 15-20 m/s in places are expected. Temperature will stand at +2...-4 C at night, and at +1...+6 C in the daytime.

    In Crimea, cloudy weather, wet snow and rain, ice covering in places, ice covering on the roads, accumulation of wet snow, and western wind of 5-10 m/s with gusts of 15-20 m/s in places are expected. Temperature will be of +2...-3 C at night, and of +2...+7 C in the daytime.

    In Yalta, wet snow and rain are expected. Temperature will be of 0...+2 C at night, and of +6...+8 C in the daytime.

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