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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Heterogeneous marriages will save a genetical fund of Ukraine

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    99 переглядів

    It was declared by Roman Shnitser, the head of the health protection and environment department of Regional State Administration to representatives of regional mass-media on Tuesday's briefing. Roman Ivanovich together with his assistances - Vladimir Brichem and Tatyana Mitsjo - gave reason for such conclusion in accordance with demographic situation which has been explored by experts of this department during last 10 years.From the given press releases the picture of demographic situation in the language of numbers arises as follows. For the last years a number of the resident population of Transcarpathia was changed from 1 271500 in 1991 up to 1 254 614 in 2003. In general distribution of population on the place of residence (in urban and rural districts) was rather stable in last years though there was a tendency to reduction of the urban population in comparison with rural. So, in 2003 a number of city inhabitants was 36,7 percent of total population of the region (in 1991 - 41,9 per cents). For comparison: in the beginning of 2003 in Ukraine a density of urban population was 67,1 percent.

    Among the regional population women predominate: in 2003 this parameter was 51,8 % (total in Ukraine - 53,5 %). Male population was a little bit less than 48,2 % (total in Ukraine - 46,5 %). Among children aged under 14 the boys predominate and percentage of boys is 50,7 % (total in Ukraine - 51,2 %) compared to 49,3 percent of girls (total in Ukraine - 48,8).

    In the region a numeral superiority of men aged under 40 years including predominate (across Ukraine under 29 years), then women aged 40-44 years exceed men in 1,2 times, 50-54 years - in 1,3 times, and especially women aged 65 years and over - in 1,8 times.

    Important component that influences a demographic situation, among others is a condition of age structure of the population. The number of the able-bodied population increased a little bit during 2003 compared to 1989 (from 56,2% up to 60,3 %). However at the same time there is an increase of number of people who is older than the able-bodied age people. Aging process of the nation is confirmed also by the United Nations.

    The main factor which accelerates a demographic aging of population is reduction of births. In 2003 in the region there were born 14,7 thousand children or 69 % of the birth rate of 1989. If 14 years ago there were born 58-59 babies a day than in 2003 - only 40 babies. For a long time a definite stability of births in the region was maintained basically because of rural population: for example, in last year in the villages of the region 9281 babies were born. It was almost two thirds of total birth rate of the region.

    In 2003 birth rate in the region was increased almost in all districts, especially in Vynogradovo, Irshava, Tyachiv, Perechyn and Rakhovo districts.

    The analysis of mortality of population in the last years is unfavourable. If in 1991 on 1000 population fell 9,4 deaths, than in 2003 - 11,9 deaths.

    Death rate of men in all age groups is higher than the death rate of women. So, in the region the deaths among men are 53,4 percent of total deaths, and third of them are of the able-bodied age. A death rate of men is higher on 23,7 % than the death rate of women. The reasons of death are different. They can be accidents, suicides, illnesses of blood circulation organs and organs of breath or cancer. Besides, the higher level of men mortality is explained by biological, genetic, and also social factors.

    What about natural population growth. In 1999 for the first time in our region have been noted a negative index of population growth (-0,4 %) though it was the most negative index in Ukraine (for example, in the Chernovtsy region it was - 12,1 per cent, in the Lugansk region - 10,6 per cent, in the Sumy region - 10,3 per cent).

    During 2002 in 9 from 13 districts of our region the negative population growth was noted, thus the worst situation was in the V.Bereznyj district. And only in the Tyachiv, Mizhgirrya and Rakhiv districts the positive natural population growth was saved.

    In 2003 the natural population growth in the region has had a tendency to improve (that was displayed in reduction of negative magnitude from 0,6 percent in 2002 to 0,1 per cent).

    The analysis of mortality specifies that it practically remains constant during the last 3 years. So, the first place for many years occupy disease of a cardiovascular system (53,9-57,5 %), then malignant tumours (11,8-11,6 %) and accidents, poisonings and traumas (7,6 %). Then follow 'old age', diseases of digestion organs, breath organs and infectious diseases.

    Tatyana Savko

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