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Kiev Mayor Alexander Omelchenko to be presented with sex toy

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    43 переглядів

    "The Youth is the Hope of Ukraine” the social organization intends to present Alexander Omelchenko Kiev Mayor with the realdoll as a protest against porno passion of the state official of Kiev City State Administration.

    As a reminder on September 28, users of kmda.gov.ua might know what web resources were the most popular among Kiev state officials. The secret was revealed and the disgusting truth became to be known to the society. Ukrainian state officials would not mind seeing hard porno. The information was published as a result of system administrator’s “fatal” mistake.

    Alexander Omelchenko proposed the journalists to investigate this case and to call the names of dissolute officials attending the porno sites at the working place.

    “The rubber woman is better than making your hands callous. The officials browse porno sites for seven hours daily. It costs $1120-1200 per person and it is tax-payers’ money. But the rubber thing costs only $32 vaseline included,” stated Vadim Gladchuk the leader of the social organization.

    Nobody has been found and punished yet.

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