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Nadler Statement on Sergei Ratushniak

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    118 переглядів

    Washington, D.C - Today. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued the following statement:

    "According to reports I've read, Sergei Ratushniak is nothing more than an ignorant thug who uses anti-Semitism, fear mongering and hatred for personal and political opportunity. In other words, he is a classic anti-Semite of the most pathetic variety. Today's Ukraine is an important ally of the United States, a hardworking nation [hat has made great strides in recent decades toward joining the world community, and Ratushniak's policies of hate have no place there. I stand in solidarity with the Jews of Uzhgorod and Ukraine, and with all Ukrainians who fight against bigotry. ] join people of conscience around the world in saying that we will not tolerate the likes of Sergei Ratushniak and his hateful brethren.”



    8th Congressional District of New York

    Jerrold Nadler has served in Congress since 1992. He represents New York's 8th Congressional District, which includes

    parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.

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