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Nine Ukrainian regions placed in quarantine as H1N1 flu hits country

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    50 переглядів

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has placed Ukraine's nine regions in quarantine in view of the H1N1 flu epidemic. A decision to that effect has been made at today's Cabinet special meeting. Ukraine's Health Ministry has today confirmed the A/H1N1 highly pathogenic influenza epidemic in Ukraine.

    At its today's meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers has set in Ukraine the H1N1 flu Hazard Level 3 as the influenza epidemic is spreading across the country, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said on Thursday.

    She also reported that the government today signed all necessary contracts with medication producers to supply them to Ukraine. "We have all necessary additional medication, all additional equipment and everything that is needed for prevention will be delivered to Ukraine within a week at much higher volumes than it was done in the first months when we were preparing for the California influenza cases," she underlined. Apart from this, medication purchased at the costs of the reserve fund is being already delivered to regions. The Ukrainian Premier called on not to politicize a theme of infectious diseases and remain calm. As reported earlier, two laboratories confirmed 11 swine flu cases in Ukraine.

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