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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Shopping tours gaining pace in Transcarpathian Region

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    63 переглядів

    The Western neighbors - Slovaks and Hungarians - have stepped up pre-holiday shopping tours to Ukraine. They are in a hurry to buy necessary products and presents that are cheaper in Ukraine ahead of Catholic Christmas and New Year.

    The residents of border areas are especially active. They buy up everything that people will need at the festive table. The Ukrainian sweet goods are much sought after. The foreigners also purchase vodka, bread, mineral water, pastry and cosmetics. The Ukraine-Slovakian border is passed almost by 1000 persons a day, for example. The shopping tours are advantageous for everyone: the foreign guests save money buying cheaper goods, while the Ukrainian merchants receive good and stable earnings.

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