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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !


    02 June 2024 Sunday
    132 переглядів

    Doctrine adopted by the “[SOYM]” (Parliament) in 28 March 2008.
    Approved for implementation by the outcome of the First World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians in Pardubitse, Czech Republic

    In the XIX century spiritual leader “[Velikij Buditel]”of Ruthenians A. Duhnovich was swinging alarm bell, and not fortuitously inspired Ruthenians to “wake of a deep sleep“, because God has awarded us with innumerable riches, which was used mainly by aliens.
    And today, having woken up, pragmatic by nature Ruthenians carry out audit of the remainders of what was left (during their sleep) by enterprising neighbours and the whole string of "liberators". Ruthenians carry out their work accompanied by the "separatist" noise from Kiev, which is terribly afraid of the Ruthenian people to learn the full truth that we subsidize Kiev, and not the other way round. Indeed, after learning the truth, Ruthenians would recognize the culprit of their poverty, forced working migration, and, as a result, social and demographic problems.
    It is known that the most important asset of every nation is their land and a rightful place in it. Wise Ruthenians say that the people without land are not worthy of respect. Saint-Germaine peace treaty of 1919 has outlined the “territory of Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians". It stretches from northeast on the ridge (watershed) of the Carpathians to the southeast, with clearly defined borders of neighbouring countries.
    And with the economic geography, we were lucky. In total, there are 14 trunk and local transit product lines in the 12.800 square kilometres of the Ruthenian territory. There are railroads laid here, with terminals and ways out to the EU countries. There is an international transport corridor 5, as well as electric power lines.
    Thus, 50% of the territory of the “Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians” is covered with forests, and is suitable for cultivation of almost the entire range of agricultural products, from grapes to barley. It contains almost all the periodic table: clay, alunite, mound tuffs, rock salt, heat-resistant clay, the unique mineral water, gas, oil, etc. It also has “golden “customhouses. (For reference: only Uzhgorod Customs contribute to the state repositories of Ukraine more than 500 million hryvnia, i.e. $ 100 million per year, which is $ 1.5 billion over 15 years).
    Without exaggeration, there is no similar place in the world where in such a relatively small territory would be concentrated such streams of energy carriers as gas, oil, electrical energy, and large volumes of chemicals. "The territory of the Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians" is the most suitable for "free trade area". Recently, the EU, Russia, Ukraine and other CIS members face the necessity of establishing a free trade area (hereafter FTA).
    The association of the developed, but poor to the natural resources countries of the European Union cannot do without the import of energy carriers.
    In order to achieve this they need the area strictly controlled by the physical borders of the entire perimeter, which would eliminate all barriers to goods and services. This requires a territory with a strict control of origin of goods, services and people intersecting the borders.
    Located in the heart of Europe "territory of the Ruthenians to south of the Carpathians", with the inherited “State borders of USSR" , and limited in the north-east by natural border of the Carpathian mountain range with its 4 easily controlled crossings, our Subcarpathian Ruthenia is ideal for establishing such a "Zone".
    Its transit potential: 14 transit product lines, 750 kV electric power line "[Mir]",
    "Broad" and "Narrow" railroad tracks, the fifth international transport corridor, TEL (trans-European fiber-optic digital lines with 18 countries of Europe).
    Geographical location of "Territory of the Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians” creates all the prerequisites for successful functioning of free trade area for individual branches, commodities and services.
    Especially promising are such sectors as energy, agricultural, transport services, communications, industrial and building construction, chemical products, pharmaceutical, automobile. There is being created a unified logistics centre, including the terminal to service the railway wagons of European (1435 mm) gauge, and 1520 mm gauge, exchanges of futures and short-term contracts, contact-cooperation exchanges, and established effective systems of mutual settlements.
    Our [FTA] (free trade area) can be coordinated by the small Inter-State Secretariat of the countries, included in this association, located in Uzhgorod. Here will be implemented and integrated commercial policies on mutual economic relations, prevention of the unauthorised re-export of goods into the third countries and, at the regular conferences, agreement on basic parameters of its development.
    This FTA would provide transportation and development centre in Fifth International Transport Corridor. Directorate of Fifth International Transport Corridor will also be located here.
    Transit potential
    Most of the consumed in the EU gas today comes from Russia. In addition, almost 90% of the gas passes through the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia. It manages 614 km. of trunk pipelines, two 210 MW capacity compressor stations, 20 gas distribution stations, 2 gas measurement stations, located in Uzhgorod and Beregovo. Europe's largest gas station is located in Chaslovtsy. In 1992-2007 through the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia was annually transported an average of 127 billion cubic metres of natural gas at an average rate of a transit 1,19 USD per 1000 cubic metres per 100 km. Expert estimates show that for the specified time, the cost of transportation was:127m. cubic metres x $ 1.2 x 200 km. x 17y. =more than $ 5 billion.
    (1, 2 = 1, 19 USD per 1000 cub. m. per 100 km.; 2, 0 = 200 km. of length of transportation).
    The length of sector Dolina-Uzhgorod-State Border = 189.3 km. Therefore, within 17 years, only for the gas transit Ruthenians have already been devoid of more than 5 billion dollars.
    International oil pipeline "[Druzhba]" in the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia includes 200 km in total, pumping station and reservoir parks. Only in 2007 through the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia was pumped 39 million 770.7 thousand tons at an average rate of the transit of oil 0.89 USD per 100 km. per ton. In sum, 0.89 USD x 200 km. x 40 million cubic metres = 72 million USD a year. In addition, the transit of crude oil by rail is worth 15 million dollars a year. Eventually, only in 2007 Ruthenians were devoid of $ 87 million, which makes nearly $ 1.4 billion in 16 years.
    Russian and Ukrainian electricity export routes pass through the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, which means that our territory has a decisive role in the transit of electricity to western markets. Moreover, the transit potential of electricity via Subcarpathian Ruthenia is enough to have been taken into account for the export capacity of Ukraine as well as The Unified Energy System (OAO RAO UES of Russia). The growing demand of European market today is designed primarily for Russian energy resources, which pass through our land. There is a powerful unified power grid in our region, which is a part of a unified energy system "[MIR]", inherited from the Soviet Union, and European CENTRAL / UCTE. The total capacity of high-voltage power lines is 6000 MW. In addition to this, Collector transformer substation with the capacity of 220/400 kW in Mukachevo connects the power grid of Hungary, Romania, and Poland. This power grid consists of high-voltage electricity transmission lines, as well as a network of Distribution substations.
    In recent years, the transit of electricity across the territory of Subcarpathian Rus (Ruthenia) is being carried out not only in the direction from East to West, but also from Slovakia to Romania. In 2007, this amounted to 117.8 million kWh, and from Slovakia to Hungary - 27.7 million kWh. Export of electricity through Subcarpathian Ruthenia from Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, in January-November 2007 in value terms amounted to $ 349.4 million.
    Transport cargo through Transkarpathian region makes more than 50% of all freight traffic (cars, railway) from Russia to the EU.
    a) The railway transport.
    Length of railway tracks is 635 km., including 375 km of electrified tracks.
    There are terminals to service European gauge (1435 mm.) railway wagons, with passages to Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Railroad freight activity
    Railroad unit Chop is deservedly considered the gateway of Europe.
    Its technical conditions allow for servicing more than 1000 railway wagons per day, with the volume of traffic more than 50 million tons per year. That makes hundreds of millions of US dollars.
    b) Highways (roads).
    The road network is 3330 km of public roads, with Kiev-Chop highway of 220 km., regional road Mukachevo- Ivano-Frankivsk of 207 km., and local roads of 300 km.
    Kiev-Chop highway (220km.) is a part of the Pan European Transport Corridor 5 (Crete). 1600 km long East-West part of TC5 passes through Venice-Trieste/Koper-Ljubljana-Maribor-Budapest-Uzhgorod-Lviv-Kiev (Branch (A) Bratislava-Zilina-Kochice-Uzhgorod).
    It provides an opportunity to carry out automobile transport from countries-exporters Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Austria to countries-importers Russia (the leader), Romania, Poland, Belarus, Moldova and others, which makes millions of dollars once again.
    b) Airlines.
    There is a civilian airport with a capacity of 1500 passengers per day (IATA: UDJ, ICAO: UKLU)
    Hydropower potential of rivers.
    Twenty first century identified and revealed a new value of the Carpathians’ riches - fresh water. If currently for one litre of fresh water Egypt is ready to pay barter of four litres of petrol, what will happen tomorrow? That is why we Ruthenians so actively fight for the preservation of our forests and pre-forests - an accumulator of fresh water.
    In addition, hydropower potential of Subcarpathian Rivers for the short time can become the source of the full energy provision of the region. It is known, that our water reservoirs are the greatest in the Eastern Europe region. Available water is a renewable natural source of cheap raw materials for energetic industry, which creates the potential for water resources of rivers. It will solve the main objective of the region - energy provision of the “territory of Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians". Using the energy of water, mainly small rivers, is one of the most topical areas in the development of hydropower as an environmentally friendly and economically feasible method for solving full (range) complex of problems associated with our energy security.
    Hydropower potential of small rivers in the region is 4532.0 million kWh per year. For comparison, the size of Subcarpathian Ruthenian region is 2.1% of the territory of Ukraine. However, based on the calculation of S. Potashnikov, it focuses approximately 16.5% of hydro capacity of Ukraine. In this regard, the national "territory of the Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians", is vital for the entire European region.
    The planned cascade of hydropower plants on river Tisa alone will have a total capacity of 220MW. This makes hundreds of millions and billions of Euros for us in the future.
    Thus, the hydroelectric dams on our land will help create a giant stock of fresh water, commodity at least as strategic as the oil in XXI century.
    Geothermal energy.
    Resources of major energy sources (oil, gas, coal and uranium) are limited and in the near future will be completely exhausted. Geothermal energy took the lead among the non-conventional energy sources, taking into account achieved technological and economic indicators. Accumulated by rocks heat of the earth, depending on its temperature can be transformed into electrical and thermal energy.
    However, the concentration of geothermal energy (associated with volcanic activity) takes in total less than 0, 1 of the earth surface. The most promising areas are California in the United States, New Zealand, Japan, Iceland, Kamchatka, the North Caucasus in Russia and ... "territory of the Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians" Neighbour Poles have calculated that "stocks of sub Carpathian geothermal (abnormal), territory is estimated as the energy equivalent of 1 billion tons of oil."
    Number of labour migrants in Thanscarpathia is more than 300 thousand people. Every month, each of them transfers home 470 U.S. dollars, according to Central Bank of Russia only. Many prefer send cash to relatives through a courier, a train conductor, as well as fellow migrant workers going home on holidays. During 2007, there were transferred more than billion U.S. dollars. There are above 746 thousand capable workers, and a bit more than 220 thousand job vacancies. Budget sector is mainly occupied by migrants (according to 1996 Secret Government Plan of ethno elimination of Ruthenians). There is Uzhgorod National University in the region, established in 1945, e.g. there are enough of quality human recourses at present time in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, capable of and willing to work in their homeland. In terms of the number of Candidates and Doctors of Science, Transcarpathia may compete with Slovakia and Hungary. In summary, along with the dethronement of deep myth of the depression of the region, there is an apparent pattern of not only its self-sufficiency, but also successful development in the near future…

    Annex 1
    Pipelines passing through Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia are:

    - Pipelines of Transcarpathian production management of trunk gas lines
    - Pipelines of Khust production management of trunk gas lines;
    - Pipelines of Transcarpathian site trunk oil line "[Druzhba]";
    - Pipelines of Transcarpathian site ethylene line, Inc. "Lukor;
    - Pipelines of Transcarpathian site oil products line, "Prikarpatzahidtrans“.

    Transcarpathian and Khust management of trunk pipelines

    Transcarpathian and Khust management of pipelines is a structural division of pipelines management "Prikarpattransgaz" of "Ukrtransgaz“.
    Transcarpathian linear production management of trunk gas lines is serving:

    1. Trunk gas lines:

    - DUG-1 of 820 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 25 kgf/cm2);
    - DUG-2 of 1420 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 55 kgf / cm2 from Torun, Mezhgorskij district (length 59 km) to Palad Komarovtsy, Uzhgorod district (length 181 km). The length of DUG-1 is 132 km, DUG-2 - 139 km.
    - Branch to Hungary 820 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 55 kgf/sm2 from 126 km pipeline DUG-1 to Didovo, Beregovskij district, length of 58 km;
    - "[Sojuz]" ,1420 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 from Dovge Pole to Palad Komarovtsy, Uzhgorod district, 11 km in length;
    - Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod, 1420 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 from Patskanevo to Palad Komarovtsy, Uzhgorod district, 43 km in length;
    - Branch to Hungary,1420 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 from Patskanevo, Uzhhorod district to Didovo, Beregovskij district, length 53.2 km;
    - "Progress" ,1420 mm in diameter, with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 from Patskanevo to Palad Komarovtsy, Uzhgorod district, 42 km in length.

    The total length of single filar gas lines of different diameters in exploitation is 603.1 km.

    Khust linear production management of trunk gas lines is serving:

    1.Trunk lines:

    - "[Sojuz]" ,1400 mm in diameter with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 ,179 km in length;
    - Urengoy Pomary-Uzhgorod ", 1400 mm in diameter, with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2 , 135.5 km in length.

    - "Progress", 1400 mm in diameter, with a working pressure of 75 kgf/cm2

    The total length of single stream pipelines of different diameters in exploitation is 453.5 km.

    At present, telemechanic system control of linear parts of valves, serving trunk gas pipelines, is at DUG-2.

    At other trunk gas pipelines, telemechanic system control of valves is absent at all.

    Transcarpathian part of oil products line, a subsidiary of the company "Prikarpatzahidtrans“

    Transcarpathian part of oil products line is a structural division of subsidiary company "Prikarpatzahidtrans” (Rovno), which is subordinate to the South-West management of trunk oil products lines in Samara, Russia.
    Linear production of the trunk oil products pipeline"Rivne-Hungary" consists of tracks one (Uzhotsky pass-Perechin-Uzhgorod-Barkasovo-Janossy-Deyda-State Border)
    Route 1A (Zarichevo-Turyanskaya Valley-Svalyava-Rossosh), and Highway 19 (Podvinogradovo-Priborzhavskoe-Shirokoe-Keretski-Kushnitsa-Rossosh) at this time is not used, inhibited (filled with technical water).

    The total length of the route, which runs through the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, is 332.0 km, 163.5 km of which is being exploited.

    Telemechanic system control of valves is present.

    Transcarpathian part of ethylene pipeline "Kalush-West Border" Cjsc. Lukor

    Ethylene pipeline “Kalush-West Border" is being exploited by management of trunk product lines Ltd. "Karpatnaftohim" of private company Lukor (Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk district), which is in turn is owned by Ojsc Lukoil (Russia).
    Its length in Subcarpathian Ruthenia is 124 km.
    Ethylene pipeline is inhibited, filled with ethylene.
    Telemechanic system of ethylene lines is not working.

    Transcarpathian part of trunk oil pipelines "Druzhba" Ojsc. "Ukrtransnafta" branch

    There are 2 branches of trunk oil pipeline "Druzhba" in the territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, 235 km of total length, 700 mm and 500 mm in diameter, which supply oil to Slovakia and Hungary.
    Telemechanic system control of valves is there.

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