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Yatseniuk, Tihipko to represent Ukraine at world economic forum in Davos

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    42 переглядів

    Businessman Serhiy Tihipko, who may become Ukrainian prime minister if Yulia Tymoshenko wins the country's presidential election, and Arseniy Yatseniuk, who came fourth in the first round of the election, will represent Ukraine at the World Economic Forum in Davos that opened on Wednesday.

    Tihipko, an ex-presidential candidate who came third in the election, will be the main speaker at a traditional Ukrainian lunch in Davos. The lunch entitled "Presidential elections: Quo Vadis, Ukraine?" which is conducted by the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation and the EastOne international investment advisory group, will take place for the sixth time. The front-runners in Ukraine's presidential election race, Viktor Yanukovych and Yulia Tymoshenko, will participate in a live TV link with Davos to answer questions from the global business elite.

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