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Dmytro Shymkiv: Ukrainians get free access to vaccines against Covid-19 not till 2022

    01 June 2024 Saturday
    808 переглядів
    Directors of Darnytsia Group Dmytro Shymkiv

    There is a global need for a vaccine in the current world situation related to the coronavirus pandemic. The message of Dmytro Shymkiv, the head of the Board of Directors of Darnytsia Group, is about the prospects for open access to vaccines against Covid-19. Due to him, residents of different countries will get an opportunity to freely choose a drug and be vaccinated with it, not till 2022.


    A range of pharmaceutical companies is producing drugs that reduce the risk of getting infected with Covid-19. But they lack the capacity yet to meet the global demand for the vaccine completely. Thereby, receiving free access to such drugs will be possible only when in each country the majority of the population is vaccinated, and pharmaceutical concerns increase their capacities. So far, it is worth relying only on the manufacture and delivery of vaccines at the request of the Ministries of Public Health of specific countries.

    Accounting for the people’s right to move around the world freely, Dmytro Shymkiv emphasized that certain countries are more loyal to vaccination. Thus, the conditions for visiting them by foreigners will not be rigorous. The top manager did not rule out that the World Health Organization (WHO) will deal with the issue of universalization of the covid passport, helping the countries resolve the differences.

    In addition, Dmytro Shymkiv, the head of the Board of Directors of Darnytsia Group, explained how exactly to calculate the percentage of vaccine effectiveness. When testing a drug, two groups of volunteers are selected: one gets the actual drug, and the other receives a placebo. They aren’t informed about the kind of drug they are vaccinated with, whether the vaccine or the decoy. Then, a group of people who received the vaccine is in constant control. At regular intervals, it is noted how many of them got sick. The number of patients who do not get sick from the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group is considered the percentage of effectiveness. Shymkiv also clarified that in different countries, the effectiveness of vaccines might differ since it is calculated only in terms of their own data. As an example, the top manager cited the Sinovac vaccine. The percentage of its effectiveness differs in such countries as Indonesia — 65%, Turkey — 91%, and Brazil — only 50%. It is worth mentioning that neither country provided any additional data on the number of people tested, their age, the duration of their observations, and the general epidemiological situation within each country during the testing period.

    Therefore, complete information about the vaccine considering the researching specifics confirms the relevant assessment of the effectiveness of vaccines, according to the statement by  Dmytro Shymkiv.


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