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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Додати новий коментар

    18 травня 2024 субота
    Картинка користувача Гость.


    2chyapay: Where are you? In Ukraine? This is news to me that Nazis are better patriots than the rest. I just read that "Unexpectedly, more than half of Ukrainians trust Putin – poll" More than half of Ukrainians trust President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

    According to an UNIAN correspondent, these are results of the poll, publicized by director general of “FOM – Ukraina” LLC Oleksandr Buhalov at a news conference in Kyiv today.

    Particularly, some 58.2% of those polled trust V. Putin, some 24.2% of those polled do not trust. Some 17.7% of those polled could not answer the question.
    Why are you, chyapay, angry with Rusyns? What did they do to you?