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Bush Meets With Ukraine's Yushchenko, Lauds Spread of Democracy

    28 июня 2024 пятница
    24 переглядів

    U.S. President George W. Bush welcomed Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to Washington, saying his election was evidence of democracy's spread in the world and promising to bolster trade and economic aid.
    Bush said he supports Ukraine's push to join the World Trade Organization and lift U.S. trade restrictions.

    ``You are a friend to our country and an inspiration to all who love liberty,'' Bush said at a joint press conference with Yushchenko today at the White House. He called the so-called Orange Revolution that lifted Yushchenko to power ``an example of democracy for people all around the world.''

    The 51 year-old pro-Western leader, who favors a closer alliance with the European Union, became president of Ukraine Dec. 26 after a two-month standoff over a disputed election.

    Bush made the spread of democracy the cornerstone of his second-term foreign policy agenda, and the U.S. supported Yushchenko's efforts in Ukraine. The president also points to Iraq's elections, Egypt's commitment to hold multi-party elections and Syria's promise to withdraw its troops from Lebanon as signs that the world is moving toward democracy.

    Yushchenko aims to strengthen ties with the U.S. and European Union after a campaign in which he promised to strengthen the country's fledgling market economy, attract more foreign investment and improve the legal system to fight corruption.

    The former Soviet bloc nation is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections in March 2006 that may be a referendum on whether the Ukrainian leader delivers on those promises.

    An Example

    Bush is eager to see Yushchenko succeed because he regards Ukraine as a showcase for democratic change in Eastern Europe, said Christopher Preble, director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute in Washington.

    ``It'd contribute to a sense that his vision for spreading democracy is working,'' Preble said.

    Along with U.S. support for joining the WTO, Yushchenko will ask in a speech Wednesday to a joint session of Congress to lift the Jackson-Vanik amendment, which links U.S. trade benefits to emigration and human rights policies in formerly Communist countries, Yushchenko's press service said.

    Bush said he supported Yushchenko's position.

    Ukraine also would like a U.S. pledge of support for inclusion in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and integration into the European Union, Preble said.

    ``I'm sure there'll be discussion on it,'' Preble said. ``Candidly, U.S. support would be important to Ukraine's accession to the WTO and NATO, though less important on membership in the European Union.''

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