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The deputies of SDPU (u) prevented transportation of Rizak to investigatory isolation ward

    24 June 2024 Monday
    47 переглядів

    In yesterday evening intensified militia subdivision numbered about 20 armed men made an attempt to transport ex-chief of Transcarpathian state administration, Ivan Rizak, from Uzhgorod hospital where Rizak was being cured to the investigatory isolation ward.

    "UNIAN" reported that, on the party press- service’s showing, the deputies Nestor Shufrich, Tamara Proshkuratova and Vladimir Voyush being there "could prevent the militia high-handedness."

    By Voyush's words, the militia came in the very moment when Rizak was suffered from hypertonic crisis which was caused by the diabetes mellitus paroxysm. Then militia representatives began to read off the conclusion admitting Rizak' reasons of health to be good enough to transport him to the investigatory isolation ward."

    The deputies demanded immediately to convoke the board of doctors. Tamara Proshkuratova chained herself to Rizak by handcuffs and hunger-struck. She will hunger-strike till political persecution against Rizak will be stopped and justice will win.

    They will demand to bring the doctors signed the conclusion to responsibility. Besides, the same doctors had prescripted the therapeutics for Rizak, but then they were submitted by the rude pressure from the side of the new power.

    Today at 12 p.m. the press-conference of SDPU (u) will take place in Uzhgorod. the press-conference of SDPU (u) will take place in Uzhgorod.

    We remind that on May 16, Uzhgorod city court approved Rizak's arrest. The ex-chief of Trans Carpathian State Administration was incriminated the excess of power, using the controlling organs and media to abase human dignity of the rector of Uzhgorod National University. In consequence of these actions, the rector committed suicide. On May 13, Rizak was arrested according to article 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine. He was temporary detained in custody in the Uzhgorod hospital because he had complained of the deterioration.

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