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Ethnic Hungarian woman assaulted in Ukraine

    20 April 2024 Saturday
    70 переглядів

    A young Hungarian woman was assaulted in Nagyszхlхs, Ukraine, for speaking in Hungarian, the newspaper Igazi Kбrpбti Igaz Szу has reported in Uzhgorod. The newspaper said the woman was talking to a neighbour at a village bus stop when a man in his 60s approached her aggressively and asked her whether she speaks Ukrainian. When the woman said that no one in her neighbourhood, a totally Hungarian area, speaks Ukrainian, the man grew angry, overturned her bag and began to scuffle. He was stopped by two plain-clothes policemen.

    Such an attack is unprecedented in Ukraine, the newspaper wrote, adding that anti-Hungarian signs appeared in Ugocsa county two days after Ukrainian nationalist forces staged a demonstration in Uzhgorod.

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