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Ukraine News January 26, 2015 Titles

    23 June 2024 Sunday
    83 переглядів

    Ukrainian govt declares state of emergency in Donbas
    26 января 2015 г., 15:24:00
    The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has made a decision to declare a state of emergency in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.

    NSDC adopts package of resolutions on boosting Ukraine's defense
    26 января 2015 г., 14:56:00
    The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) adopted a package of resolutions on the country's defense capability at a sitting on January 25."Based on the results of the discussion of emergency measures to counteract the Russian threat and manifestations of terrorism supported by the Russian Federation, a package of resolutions has been adopted to boost the country's defense capability and counter-terrorist measures, to create military-civilian administrations in the anti-terrorist operation zone to ensure the security and living of people in these territories," NSDC press service reported.

    Negotiations between Ukraine and IMF to be completed by 30 January
    26 января 2015 г., 14:44:00
    A new program of expanded financing will be discussed by Ukrainian authorities and the IMF during these negotiations.

    NATO secretary general urges Russia to stop supporting separatists in eastern Ukraine
    26 января 2015 г., 13:51:00
    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has noted a significant escalation in violence by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, in particular the increasing number of attacks in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as the deadly shelling of Mariupol.

    Security Service of Ukraine says Mariupol was shelled by Russia-backed terrorists
    26 января 2015 г., 13:40:00
    Information collected by Ukrainian special services indicates that Mariupol in Donetsk region was shelled by militants with the support of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said opening a session of the National Security and Defense Council on January 25.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister urges West to make Moscow change its policy in Ukraine
    26 января 2015 г., 13:16:00
    "Today I am addressing my colleagues from EU countries. My signal to international institutions and governments is simple - the time of declarations is over. An excessively high human price has been paid. The time has come for us to jointly stop the terrorists and make Russia stop supporting them," Klimkin said.

    Mariupol residents not leaving city after attack
    26 января 2015 г., 13:03:00
    The Mariupol defense headquarters have denied the media reports stating that local residents are leaving the city following the attack on the city's Skhidny microdistrict on January 24."The panic in the city was ended very promptly. All people who wanted left the microdistrict, and those who stayed were given assistance. A heating point has opened, where people could get warm, have tea and get hot meals," Roman Sokolov, deputy head of the Mariupol defense headquarters

    Armed Forces of Ukraine reliably control entire line of confrontation
    26 января 2015 г., 12:35:00
    This was stated by Minister of Defence Stephen Poltorak.

    Almost 400 Ukrainian officials lustrated after law takes effect
    26 января 2015 г., 12:11:00
    A total of 374 officials have been lustrated in Ukraine over the 100-day period since the government-purification law came into effect, the Lustration Committee spokeswoman Oleksandra Drik said."Three hundred seventy-four people were affected by the law, but they are those who did not quit voluntarily and the law applied against them," she said at a briefing in Kyiv.

    Seven Ukrainian military killed in ATO zone in past 24 hours
    26 января 2015 г., 12:00:00
    Seven Ukrainian troops were killed and 24 were wounded in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine, Vladyslav Selezniov, acting speaker of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said.

    Tensions escalating in eastern Ukraine
    26 января 2015 г., 11:48:00
    Donbas militants are shelling Ukrainian positions in every sector, anti-terrorist operation spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at a press briefing in Kyiv on January 25.Tensions are escalating: the militants' "artillery, mortars, grenade launchers, tanks and Grad rocket launchers are intensively shelling Ukrainian army positions in anti-terrorist operation area in every direction," he said.

    Ukraine parliament to convene for emergency meeting Jan 27
    26 января 2015 г., 11:25:00
    The Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, will convene for an emergency session on January 27, Dmytro Stoliarchuk, the parliamentary speaker's press secretary said. "An emergency plenary session has been set for January 27 to discuss the situation in Donbas," he said, citing Speaker Volodymyr Hroisman.

    Mariupol shelled from DPR-controlled territory
    26 января 2015 г., 11:11:00
    Observers of the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE confirmed that the January 24 shelling of Mariupol was conducted from rebel-controlled territory, according to a special report of the mission.According to the SMM, the first shelling started at approximately 09.15 and lasted 35 seconds. The SMM was able to count 19 rocket strikes and is certain there are more.

    Ukraine won't permit foiling of Minsk accords, remains advocate of peace settlement
    26 января 2015 г., 10:51:00
    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has spoken of the need to stick to the Minsk accords to settle the situation in Eastern Ukraine.

    Mariupol city council reports death toll reaches 27 people, 97 injured after morning shelling
    26 января 2015 г., 10:27:00
    The death toll as a result of shelling of Mariupol by militants has reached 27 people, including two children, and 97 people have been wounded (including five children), Secretary of the Mariupol City Council Andriy Fedai has said.

    Ukrainian Interior Ministry: 15 killed, 46 injured in Mariupol shelling
    26 января 2015 г., 10:04:00
    Fifteen people have been killed and 46 others injured as Mariupol was shelled on Saturday morning, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said in a statement available on its website onJanuary 24."As many as 46 civilians sustained fragmentation wounds. Among those injured is a 12-year-old girl. Fifteen people have been killed," it said.

    OSCE Chairperson-in-Office voices concern over events in Ukraine
    26 января 2015 г., 9:30:00
    Chairperson-in-Office and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has expressed alarm at the escalation of violence in the eastern part of Ukraine, Serbian mass media reported.

    Ten reportedly killed in Mariupol shelling by militants regional police chief
    26 января 2015 г., 9:30:00
    According to preliminary data, ten people were killed as the result of the shelling of Mariupol by militants in the early morning on January 24, head of Donetsk regional police department Viacheslav Abroskin has said.

    Terrorists continue to shell cities in east Ukraine
    26 января 2015 г., 9:15:00
    The militants shelled for several days Marinka and Krasnogorivka with Grad (or possibly Uragan) multiple rocket launchers.

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