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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Ukrainian and Slovak Defense Ministers Open Euro-Atlantic Info Centre in Uzhgorod

    26 April 2024 Friday
    44 переглядів

    Uzhgorod, May 27 - Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Baska and his Ukrainian counterpart Yuri Yekhanurov opened a Euro-Atlantic Information Centre at National University in Uzhgorod - the Ukrainian border town with Slovakia.

    Euro-Atlantic Info Centre in Uzhgorod
    Euro-Atlantic Info Centre in Uzhgorod

    "I believe that this project will help the Ukrainian public to change their minds about NATO accession ... Slovakia's NATO membership has brought security guarantees from which the economy has profited, and it has therefore been of benefit to all our citizens," said Baska.

    The information centre project is being run jointly by the Slovak embassy in Kiev and Uzhgorod National University. "We have a week of NATO accession support, with other promotional events taking place in Odessa, Nikolayev and Kiev," said Yekhanurov.

    A conference entitled 'Ukraine Joining the EU via NATO Following Slovakia's Example" took place at the university on Tuesday, with both defense ministers present.

    After meeting his counterpart, Baska confirmed continued military cooperation between the two countries, including recreational exchange programmes for Ukrainian and Slovak soldiers. He also invited Ukrainian officers to a joint training course that will introduce them to NATO principles.


    Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Yuri Yekhanurov meets Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Baska, Uzhgorod, May 27, 2008. (TASR - František Iván)


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