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Yesterday, on the 22nd of March, the representatives of the eurovision2005.info got on to the official distributors of tickets (olvia.com.ua)

    26 April 2024 Friday
    54 переглядів

    Yesterday, on the 22nd of March, the representatives of the eurovision2005.info got on to the official distributors of tickets (olvia.com.ua) to learn “from the first hand” precise information about the situation with selling tickets to Eurovision-2005 contest. As we found out, on the 14th of May “Olvia” company won the tender for selling tickets to Eurovision-2005 Song Contest. “Zolotoi Grammofon” company also took part in the competition but didn’t win.

    At present only two sites are selling tickets in the Internet. The first site is olvia.com.ua which is supposed to be used by Russian speakers. The second site is eurovision2005.in.ua. It is aimed at English speakers. The latter is an official site on selling tickets from eurovision.tv.

    The situation with tickets was explained in the following way. Now one can only book tickets. It is expected that they will appear on the above-mentioned sites approximately on the 25th of April. Also one will be able to find them in the booking-offices of Palats Sportu (Palace of Sport) where everybody who managed to book tickets can buy them out.

    As we have been told, now people can’t choose definite seats in the auditorium – it’s just possible to book a ticket for a price that the customer wants to pay. The new scheme of Palats Sportu and its look after the reconstruction can be seen on the sites olvia.com.ua and eurovision2005.in.ua, approximately in the evening on 25th March.

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