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The organizers have finally announced the Hosts of Eurovison-2005

    08 May 2024 Wednesday
    58 переглядів

    The main hosts of Eurovision-2005 will be be Pavlo Shylko (DJ Pasha) and Maria Efrosnina. Mykhailo Krupiyevsky, the television producer of the Eurovision-2005 Song Contest explained the choice of the hosts:

    "Masha Efrosinina is a professional television host, she looks good and knows English very well. To be a host of Eurovision is a very specific job – the format and the concept of the contest are as such, that the hosts must present a great deal of constructive information to the viewers while at the same time they must very understand have a good concept of time. Eurovision is a show that is counted out to the second – if a host has to speak for 37 seconds, then they have to be able to speak for 37 seconds, and not 36 or 38 seconds. Thus, in order to carry out such a task one needs to have a great deal of experience in live broadcasting. According to the organizers, those who have this type of experience are Masha and Pasha – these are people, who have spent their lives as broadcasters!"

    Ruslana and Rolodymyr Klychko will also participate in the events of Eurovision-2005, but as invited stars. Their roles in the show will be a surprise for viewers.

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