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Two miners killed during repair work in eastern Ukraine coal mine

    28 June 2024 Friday
    56 переглядів

    Two miners were killed early Sunday during repair work in a mine in eastern Ukraine, emergency officials said.

    The accident, in a tunnel about 700 meters (2,300 feet) underground occurred around 3 a.m. (0000 GMT) at the Donbass mine company's Glyboka mine in Donetsk.

    A team of emergency workers was dispatched to the mine to carry out an investigation, the Emergency Situations Ministry said in a statement.

    Since the 1991 Soviet collapse, nearly 4,300 miners have died in Ukrainian coal mines, which are considered among the world's most risky. The Mining Trade Union said that it costs two human lives to produce every million metric (U.S.) tons of coal, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

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