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Romanian child rape victim allowed abortion

    28 June 2024 Friday
    38 переглядів

    A Romanian government committee has decided to allow a pregnant 11-year-old who was raped by her teenage uncle to have an abortion, a government spokesman said Friday.The girl is 21 weeks pregnant -- too far along to have an abortion in Romania, where the limit is 14 weeks unless the pregnancy poses problems for the mother's health, said the spokesman, who asked not to be named.

    The girl's parents had said they would take their daughter to Britain for an abortion if the committee did not allow her to have one in Romania. Abortions are legal in Britain up to 24 weeks.

    It was unclear whether the parents would still take the girl to Britain following the committee's decision, reached late Thursday.

    Church groups have opposed an abortion for the girl, the government spokesman said. The Romanian Orthodox Church has urged the girl to keep the baby, and has said it will take care of the baby if the family wants to give it up for adoption, he said.

    The uncle who raped the girl has since disappeared, the Romanian Health Ministry said. Media reports say the uncle is age 19.


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