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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

As of today's morning influenza death toll in Ukraine reaches 64 persons

    25 June 2024 Tuesday
    64 переглядів

    This was voiced by First Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Turchynov on November 2. According to him, a total of 191,000 citizens have already asked for help and 7,500 have been hospitalized.

    Turchynov also said 300,000 dozes of the Tamiflu preparation from Switzerland have been already redistributed throughout hospitals. "Besides, we are planning to sign an agreement to buy another 400,000 packs at the same producer within the next two weeks. This will suffice to curb a feverish demand for the anti-virus medication we can now see," he underlined.

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