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Ukraine is seeking to deepen cooperation with Israel

    25 June 2024 Tuesday
    104 переглядів

    Our country is to comprehensively promote the creation and implementation of new investment and joint projects. This was stressed by Minister of EconomicDevelopment and Trade of Ukraine Aivaras Abromavicius at a meeting with Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine Eliav Belotserkovski.

    "We are ready for further work in order to take full advantage of cooperation, especially in trade. There arestill many opportunities not fully realized, including an increase in investment from Israel to Ukraine. We are ready to discuss new investment projects in our country. However, there are other important issues, includingsecurity of the state", Aivaras Abromavicius said.

    In his turn, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary has said that the Israeli side is alsointerested in developing bilateral partnership.

    "We know how busy has been the Ukrainian Government lately, and see that your main objectives arefocused on the economic direction. From our side we certainly are interested in developing economic ties withUkraine. Your country is a major partner of Israel in the region," stressed Eliav Belotserkovski.

    During the meeting the parties discussed a number of issues of mutual interest, including the preservation and increase of trade turnover between our two countries, FTA, activation of the joint Ukrainian-Israeli committee on trade and economic cooperation.

    Development of bilateral cooperation in agriculture, high-tech sector

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