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Diana's last-minute car switch before crash

    04 июня 2024 вторник
    27 переглядів

    Official documents show that Princess Diana made a last-minute switch of cars before the high-speed drive through Paris that ended with her death in an underpass crash.
    The papers, released late on Tuesday under freedom of information laws, gave conflicting reasons for the change in cars by Diana and her boyfriend Dodi al Fayed before their deaths in the early hours of August 31, 1997.

    In one document written three weeks after the crash, Britain's ambassador to France, Michael Jay, said it was a "last-minute change of mind aimed at diverting the awaiting paparazzi."

    However, two other memos, written by unnamed officials, said their getaway car failed to start and they got into another nearby car driven by a driver of the Paris Ritz hotel, where they had been staying.

    Diana's marriage to Britain's heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles broke down in 1992 and later ended in divorce.

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