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    16 April 2024 Tuesday

    Elections can be held in 11 districts of Donetsk region and 4 districts of Luhansk region

    73 переглядів

    It is currently possible to hold parliamentary elections in 11 constituencies in Donetsk region and four constituencies in Luhansk region, Central Election Commission (CEC) Chairman Mykhailo Okhendovsky told journalists in Kyiv on September 30.

    When asked whether the work is now underway to prepare for the elections throughout Donetsk and Luhansk regions, he said: "Unfortunately, no. The CEC is unable to hold preparations in the constituencies where it's impossible for security reasons. "At the same time, according to Okhendovsky, in constituencies where the vote will not be held at any of the polling stations, the elections will be declared the ones that did not take place, and then the CEC will have reason to schedule repeat elections in such constituencies.

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