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Viktor Yanukovych: challenges faced by international community require "a union in the broadest format possible'

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    72 переглядів

    Ukraine will select such a foreign policy that will help our state to benefit most from developing equal and mutually beneficial relations with the Russian Federation, the European Union, the United States, and other countries that influence the development of the situation worldwide, Ukraine's new President Viktor Yanukovych has said this in his inaugural address after being sworn in on Thursday, February 25.

    "As President, I clearly understand what a foreign policy strategy today meets the most national interests of Ukraine. Being a bridge between the East and the West and an integral part of Europe and the former USSR at the same time, Ukraine will select such a foreign policy that will help our state benefit the most from developing equal and mutually profitable relations with the Russian Federation, the European Union, the United States, and other countries that influence the development of the situation worldwide," he said. "In my opinion, the challenges faced by the international community necessitate a union in the broadest format possible. Mankind, as well as Ukraine needs the European Union globally. I mean the Common World as force that can guarantee the planet peaceful co-existence of different civilizations and energy, environmental, and food security. We are ready to participate is such processes as a European non-allied state," the Ukrainian President underscored.

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