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War in Ukraine must stop

    16 June 2024 Sunday
    115 переглядів

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he wishes to stop the war in Ukraine and to prevent the beginning of WWIII. "WWI ended 96 years ago. I want to stop the war now and to prevent anyone from starting the third world insanity," Poroshenko tweeted on November 11.

    Two world wars are enough for humanity to understand the advantage of peaceful contests and competition, he said.Nowadays we are protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the east and we will always protect our home land and our right to independence and development. Yet I believe in peaceful settlement and I deem it my duty to do the utmost to restore a peaceful life in Ukraine," the president said.

    German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged all those involved in this conflict, as well as the Russian side, to return again to the terms of the Minsk protocol to prevent a new outbreak of violence in the Donbas.

    He told this before the opening of the conference "4th Berlin forum of international politics." Earlier, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said that Russia has taken a strategic pause, but can start acting any time. Therefore, he said, the EU should call upon all those involved in this conflict, as well as the Russian side, to return again to the terms of the Minsk protocol, especially in its provision on ceasefire.

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