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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

News for Ukraine, Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Hust, Beregove

    16 June 2024 Sunday

    United States Vice President Joseph Biden has promised aid from the U.S. and international partners if Ukraine conducts its reforms efficiently.


    Participants in talks on the creation of a coalition in the Verkhovna Rada have initialed the text of the coalition agreement.

    Newly elected MP from the People's Front Party Viktoria Siumar reported this on her Facebook page.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin has described "color revolutions" in some countries as a lesson and warning for Russia and urged to counteract their appearance in Russia by all means.

    He said this on Thursday at an enlarged meeting of the Russian Security Council on combating extremism, a Ukrinform correspondent in Russia.


    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a draft presidential decree on the unilateral demarcation of the state border between Ukraine and Russia.

    Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Ostap Semerak told this to journalists after a government meeting on Wednesday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.


    French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will meet in Paris on Thursday to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

    This was stated by French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.


    Two Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and 13 more have been injured in battles with terrorists over the past 24 hours, the press center for the anti-terrorist operation has reported.

    "Ukraine has lost two soldiers in battles with terrorists over the past 24 hours, and 13 more have sustained various injuries," reads the report.


    The settlement of the situation in the east of Ukraine is a test of the suitability and effectiveness of such organizations as the OSCE and the EU.

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said in his speech at the European Security Forum 2014, which takes place in Brussels on Monday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.


    This is what President Poroshenko said in an interview with German newspaper Bild. Russia constantly breaks its promises during the settlement of the situation in Donbas, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.


    A Russian air defense system was working next to a "separatist convoy" in Donetsk. U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt reported this on his Twitter page.

    "We have information that a Russian air defense system was operating near a separatist convoy in Donetsk - suggests Russian forces were protecting," he wrote.


    On Sunday Poroshenko began a bilateral meeting with the President of Germany.

    President of Ukraine Poroshenko warned about the possibility of expanding the fighting in the east of Ukraine, as well as the war with Russia, reports Deutsche Welle.


    German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will make a visit to Kyiv and Moscow on Tuesday, November 18. The press service of the German Foreign Ministry told a special correspondent of Ukrinform.

    “The Minister will first visit Kyiv and then Moscow on Tuesday,” the official representative of the German MFA said.


    Ukrainian Prime Minister and People's Front leader Arseniy Yatseniuk has offered the participants of the future coalition in the Verkhovna Rada his version of the composition of a new government.

    He said this at a press conference on Friday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.


    "Rendering of a 'people's court' in the self-proclaimed 'Luhansk People's Republic' (LPR) on a par with a cruel treatment of captives and death penalties are an outrageous violation of the international humanitarian law," reads the organization's press release.


    Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders has said he is sure that now there is no reason to ease sanctions against Russia. He said this during a debate in parliament, according to the Twitter page of the Dutch Foreign Ministry.


    Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have drafted a joint action plan under the conditions of Russian aggression. An advisor to the Ukrainian interior minister, Zorian Shkiriak, said this at a press briefing on Thursday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.


    Over 24 hours, by violating the truce, militants shelled the ATO forces 44 times, as a result four Ukrainian military were killed, 18 - got injures.

    The ATO press center informs.


    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he wishes to stop the war in Ukraine and to prevent the beginning of WWIII. "WWI ended 96 years ago. I want to stop the war now and to prevent anyone from starting the third world insanity," Poroshenko tweeted on November 11.


    Next meeting of a working group on the Coalition Agreement started at the Verkhovna Rada. Participating in this meeting are representatives of five parties, which overcame the 5% percent threshold.


    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highly appreciates work of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine and warns against attacks on the organization.

    Foreign Ministry Spokesman Yevhen Perebyinis told a briefing.


    Funds for this that make about $ 200 million will be provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


    Over recent 24 hours, Russian-terrorist forces shelled ATO forces 30 times.

    Head of the Center of Military and Political Studies Dmytro Tymchuk told this.

    “A special activity of the enemy is noted in the direction of Debaltseve, Luhansk and Donetsk - respectively, 12, nine and eight fire blows,” he wrote on Facebook.


    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has once again stated that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine. He told this to reporters at the beginning of a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at the APEC summit in Beijing, Interfax reported.


    "Let Ukraine be poor, but this should not happen. Of course we need ceasefire. Let somehow agree on it Novorossiya? I have no idea what it is? I just pray that more people will not die," - the mother of the


    The National Bank lowered the official hryvnia rate, established for November 7 since 14:00, by 5.5 kopecks to 14.4707 UAH/USD, the NBU statement reads.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening held an emergency meeting of the Russian Security Council before his visit to China and Australia. This may mean that Russia could resume the war in Ukraine this weekend, Gazeta Wyborcza has reported.


    Participants in talks on the creation of a parliamentary coalition are planning to prepare the final text of the agreement by November 16.

    On Saturday, they plan to discuss the sections of the document on social and humanitarian reform, as well as defense and national security, the Apostrophe news site reported.


    October pension payments on the territories, liberated from terrorists, are completely funded.

    Spokesman of the NSDC Information-Analytical Center Andriy Lysenko told a briefing, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.


    The Commission of the Kyiv City Council on renaming will recommend to the Kyiv Council to return historical names to Frunze Street in Podilsky district and Dzerzhinsky Square in Pechersky district.

    In today's battles with terrorists in Donbas, three Ukrainian military were killed, seven - wounded.


    Dutch military aircraft, on Saturday, will take remains of the victims of Boeing MH-17 from Kharkiv to the Netherlands, found in the last few days on the crash site.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands reported, the NOS publication writes.


    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has unveiled a dangerous terrorist group that was preparing acts of terrorism in Lviv.

    The SBU press center reported.

