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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Uzhhorod Palace of Children and Youth

    16 June 2024 Sunday
    71 переглядів

    The main task of “PADIUN”’s activity is rising up of an artistic person of that kind who will find his place in our society. “PADIUN” represents the interests of approximately 3500 children and teenagers of the city guided by 120 teachers. “PADIUN” comprises of children of different ages: both pre-school age and students.

    Generally there are 24 structures acting in “PADIUN”, including 210 sections, mostly of artistic and aesthetic direction (42).
    Nowadays the next sections have been created:
    – 3 schools: school of early education “Radist”, school of preparation for higher education “Abituriyent”, school of art gymnastics;
    – 5 clubs: club of external relations, club of games “Shance”, folklore-ethnographic club “Svitlytsya”, club of cheerful people (KVN), rock-club;
    – 4 studios: studio of art, peoples’ art group studio of contemporary dance “Blits”, health studio “Harmony”, sound-record studio;
    – 2 theaters: theater-studio “Syntez”, roma (gypsy) theater;
    – 8 centers: ecological, center of technical art, advertising center, fashion-center “Your Stile”, producer center, linguistic center, center of spiritual and artificial development for children with physical disabilities “Believe in Yourself”;
    – peoples’ dance-group “ Corporation of Friends”.
    The main directions of the activity of “PADIUN” are:
    1. Development and support of talented youth;
    2. Propagation of healthy lifestyle;
    3. Rising up youth in respect for traditions and national values of the Ukrainian people and other nations and peoples as well.
    Also, the activity of “PADIUN” includes the organization of substantial rest and leisure time. In accordance with this “PADIUN” proposes different programs for children, youth, and their parents. These include singing contests, beauty contest “Mini-Miss Uzhhorod” and “Miss Uzhhorod”, performances of theaters, folklore feasts, discos, exhibitions, show-programs, hikes, contests “Teacher of the Year”, etc.

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