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The Ukrainian Weather Center Forecasts Temperature Rise From February 7

    16 June 2024 Sunday
    73 переглядів

    The Ukrainian Weather Center forecasts that night temperatures from February 1 to 5 will reach -29...-33 degrees, director of the civil protection department at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vasyl Kvashuk, has told a news conference.

    "The lowest air temperatures will fall at nights in the eastern, central and northern provinces from February first to fifth to minus twenty-nine-thirty-three degrees, reaching criteria of meteorological disaster," he stressed.

    In Kvashuk's words, cold weather without precipitations is expected across Ukraine in the coming ten days.

    Wind gusts of up to 17-22 meters per second are expected in southern and eastern provinces on Friday, and 25 30 meters per second in Crimea and the Sea of Azov region.

    Wind rises and high waves are expected on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

    In particular, they will reach 5 meters on the Black Sea and 2 meters on the Sea of Azov.

    For January 28 to 31 they forecast temperatures of -17...-23 decrees at night and -11...-16 decrees in the daytime; -23...-29 at night and -17...-23 decrees in the daytime in eastern and northern provinces, ice on roads.

    As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the Hydrometeorological Center forecast drastic cold snap starting from January 25.

    Meanwhile, from February 4 to 7 they expect a brief warming, temperatures will slightly rise accompanied by snow and sleet.

    But on February 8 or 9 it will turn cold again, although not that bad as in January.

    The Ukrainian Weather Center forecasts a temperature rise from February 7, director of the civil protection department at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vasyl Kvashuk, has told a news conference.

    "The Weather Center forecasts a discreet warm spell, modest precipitation after February seventh," he said.

    Alongside, Kvashuk was not available to specify the giving scope, saying that these were just preliminary forecasts.

    In his words, more accurate forecasts will be known after February 1.

    As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the Weather Center forecasts that night temperatures from February 1 to 5 will reach -29...-33 degrees.

    Meanwhile, from February 4 to 7 they expect a brief warming, temperatures will slightly rise accompanied by snow and sleet; but on February 8 or 9 it will turn cold again.

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